In service with RNlAF; RNlNAS and RAF.

In service with the RNlAF.

The first examples were received in 1950 from U.S. surplus stocks. The Beech 18s were used for multi engine training and were assigned to the AVOT (Aanvullende VliegOpleiding Tweemotorigen) [Additional twin-engine flight training].
Later they were also stationed at the TransVA (Transport VliegAfdeling [Transport Section] and its successor, 334 squadron.

The last Beechcrafts were withdrawn from use in 1959.

Both the Beechcraft in the Military Aviation Museum as the one of the SKHV are of a slightly different version than the Royal Netherlands Air Force. The museum Beech originates from the RijksLuchtvaartSchool (RLS), whereas the Beech of SKHV is originally a Canadian example.

Beechcraft T-7 Navigator van de KLu. Zijaanzicht rechts.
Beechcraft T-7 Navigator of the RNlAF.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Achter aanzicht van een Beechcraft T-7 Navigator van de KLu.
Beechcraft T-7 Navigator of the RNlAF.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Linker zijaanzicht van een Beechcraft T-7 Navigator van de KLu.
Beechcraft T-7 Navigator of the RNlAF.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]


In service with RNlNAS.

Naval Air received its first Beechcraft SNBs in 1953. Later the designation changed to TC-45j.

These were used for the training of observers and telegraphers. They were also used as communication aircraft. They were stationed at VSQ 5 on naval air station Valkenburg.

Beechcraft 21-43 lesvliegtuig voor luchtnavigatie
Beechcraft SNB, serial 21-43 navigation trainer.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Beechcraft-navigator TC-45J van VSQ 5 nr. 21-41, trainer voor voortgezette vliegopleiding, gecrashed tijdens nachtvliegen op MVK Valkenburg
Above and below: Beechcraft TC-45J Navigator, 21-41 of VSQ 5, crashed at naval air station Valkenburg during a night flight.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Beechcraft-navigator TC-45J van VSQ 5 nr. 21-41, trainer voor voortgezette vliegopleiding, gecrashed tijdens nachtvliegen op MVK Valkenburg
Beechcraft-navigator TC-45J of squadron 5 nr.,serial 21-41, advanced ulti engine trainer crashed at airbase Valkenburg.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Beechcraft-navigator TC-45J van VSQ 5 nr. 080, trainer voor voortgezette vliegopleiding, gecrashed in Duitsland te Dever op 27 april 1967. Vlieger ltz1 R. van Vlijmen
Beechcraft TC-45J Navigator 080, of 080, crashed near Never, Germany On April 27,1967. The aviator was ltz1 R. van Vlijmen
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Beech SNB-5 (082) (1953-1974) lesvliegtuig voor luchtnavigatie
Beech SNB-5, serial 082 [at Beeldbank NIMH}
Beech SNB-5 (081) lesvliegtuig voor luchtnavigatie
Beech SNB-5, 081, navigation trainer.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Beech SNB-5 (085) (1953-1974) lesvliegtuig voor luchtnavigatie. De cockpit
Cockpit view of a Beech SNB-5, 085
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]


In service with the RAF.


Information about Dutch aircraft.