“Ruiten Vier” 1952 -1955 (327 Sqn.)
Mid 1952 at squadron 327 a team started training display flying with the Gloster Meteor F.Mk.8.
The team, named "Ruiten Vier (= Diamonds Four) consisted of four men, with leader Major J. Wansink and further first lieutenant W. Heijen, Reserve second lieutenant H. Tiel and sergeant P. Jansen. Initially the training was unofficial, because prior to official permission, General Aler would see 'Ruiten Vier' perform their show first. Only then could be continued with provisional approval.
During an air show at Soesterberg in August 1952, Major J. Wansink presented his stunt team "Four Diamonds" for the first time. The aircraft had an special colour scheme applied

Gloster Meteor F.MK.8 with "Ruiten Vier"markings, photographed in 1979 in the former Aviodome at Schiphol.
In 1953 the Air Force became a separate part of the Dutch defence, named Royal Netherlands Air Force (Koninklijke Luchtmacht). It was also the year of the fortieth anniversary of the Dutch air force.
Because of the anniversary an special Air show was at air base Soesterberg with the National Competition Stunt Flying, with which several teams from England, Belgium, Danmark France and Italy and of course several Dutch teams participated.
Three Dutch teams went to the finals: “Ruiten Vier”, de “Aerobats” of the Dutch navy and the Harvard team of CLO.
The “Ruiten Vier” team with the Meteors became the winner of the trophy.
The team was disbanded in 1955 as Major Wansink and Lieutenant Heijnen both were transferred.

[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]

[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]

Winners of national stunting competition 1953.
From left to right Wansink, Tiel, Heynen, Jansen.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]

Winners of national stunting competition 1953.
From left to Jansen, Heynen, Wansink, Tiel.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Colour schemes.
The aircraft were overall aluminium dope, the standard paint scheme of the Meteor at that time. Further the nacelles had a red inlet tapering on both top and undersides to a point.
On the nose section a red thunderbolt was painted at both sides. The air intake had also a picture of the "Four Diamonds" game card applied.
Later, the paint scheme was extended and the upper part of the vertical stabilizer was painted red and there was a white diamond figure applied to the vertical tail. Also the ends of the horizontal stabilizer were at the upper and under sides painted red. .
The aircraft used, were Gloster Meteor F Mk8 with serials 7E-5, 7E-11, 7E-13, 7E-14 and as spare 7E-8
display teams van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht | A, Louwers | pag. 37 - 39 | 1988 | De Alk bv - Alkmaar |
Special thanks to A. Kleijn for the original (Dutch) text of this article.