These aircraft were used at 321 squadron, RNlNAS and succeeded the old Catalina’s.

During 1942 the fresh crews educated at RNMFS, Jackson, requested more action than the rather passive patrols with the Catalina's. Admiral Helfrich agreed with this and tried to find a more offensive role for 321 squadron.
Because of the structure of the defence system this was not possible. 321 squadron was a maritime patrol unit, resorting under 222 General Reconnaissance Group, RAF India.

At the end of 1943 this structure was revised because of the changed situation and Air Command South East Asia was raised. The British would provide a unit with four engined bombers. They should receive about two thousand Liberators.

Because of the high demand for this bomber it took a long time to carry out the plans. In 1944 the Liberators were delivered to the British. After a lot of discussions in November 1944 at last permission was given to raise a Dutch Liberator unit.
Several crew were detached temporarily at No. 1673 Heavy Conversion Unit, Kolar and at 160 squadron RAF, Kankesanturai, Ceylon. Several surplus Catalina’s were returned to RAF. The first delivered (ex British) Liberators were in very poor condition. It took the technical crew a lot of work to get these aircraft in flying condition.

Twelve aircraft should delivered to the unit, but it took until May 1945 before seven new aircraft were sent by the British head quarters.
Now the training program could continue and in July six crew were completely trained. Squadron 321 was now assigned a new air base, at Cocos-islands. Its task was to prevent the Japanese navigation as much as possible.
During the night of 8 to July 9, 1945 the first three aircraft departed for the new base. Alas KH296/J crashed in sea just after take off, killing six of the crew. Fortunately five men could be saved. Some days later two other aircraft were flown to the Cosos Islands.

July 15, 1945 the first ‘anti shipping sweep’ was flown. Such flights were flown regularly until the Japanese capitulation on August 11, 1945. The last flight was at August 11, 1945.

The task of squadron 321 changed. Because of the situation in the prison camps the Liberators were used for supply in September 1945 and food en medicines were dropped.

In September 1945 a memorable flight was made with “Z”. Squadron leader OVL1 A.J. de Bruyn was allowed to fly the liberated Gouverneur-Generaal of Dutch East Indies, Jonkheer Mr. A.W.L Tjarda van Stakenborgh Stachouwer and the commander of the army General H. ter Poorter to the Netherlands.
They started in New Delhi and flew via Karachi, Caïro, Lydda, Istres and Hartfor Bridge to Eindhoven. October 8, 1945 they started to fly back to Dutch East Indies, but they were forced to stop at Colombo, because of the tumultuous situation at Batavia, the capital of the Dutch East Indies.

Despite the need for transport aircraft, the crew were set aside. Just in January 1946 the message was spread that the Liberators had te be returned to the RAF.
Because air base Perak was unsuitable for the large Liberator and air base Merauke was crowded with aircraft parked there, the aircraft could leave China Bay just in April 1946 to air base Morokrambangan. Liberator Y was left behind, and Liberators “A”, “B”, “M”, “P” and “W” were flown to Morokrembangan and were parked there until the end of May 1946, when these aircraft were handed over to the RAF.

Detachement van VSQ 321 op de Cocos-eilanden, 1945. Staand voor Liberator bommenwerper
Detachement of VSQ 321 on the Cocos isles, 1945.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Detachement van VSQ 321 op de Cocos-eilanden, 1945. Bemanning van Liberator bommenwerper
Detachement of VSQ 321 on the Cocos isles, 1945.
Crew of Liberator "V".
Standing from left to right: ltz H. Bosloper, kpl Faas, ltz (cdt) Höffelt, mjr Ferree, sgt Nieuwenhuizen.
Sitting: sgt H. van Donkelaar, sgt Visser, kpl Wijsheier, sgt Abbink
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Beschildering van een embleem op de `Consolidated B-24 Liberator maritieme patrouillebommenwerper 'Soerabaja Express' van Sqn 321 van de MLD, in Ceylon gedurende de periode 1942-1945
Marking on a `Consolidated B-24 Liberator 'Soerabaja Express', squadronn 321 RNlAS, based on Ceylon during 1942-1945
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Maritieme patrouillebommenwerper Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI (1944-1946) van het 321 Squadron op Cocos Island
Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI of squadron 321 RNlAS based on Cocos Island
[Ingesloten foto van BeeldBank NIMH. Klik op de foto voor bestel-informatie]
Maritieme patrouillebommenwerper Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI (1944-1946) van het 321 Squadron oefenend boven Ceylon
Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI of squadron 321 RNlAS flying over Ceylon
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Maritieme patrouillebommenwerper Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI, toestel C (1944-1945) van het 321 Squadron op Ceylon
Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI of squadron 321 RNlAS, aircraft C on Ceylon
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Maritieme patrouillebommenwerpers Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI, de toestellen A (1944-1945), P (1945-1946) en M (1945-1945) van het 321 Squadron op Marine Vliegkamp Morokrembangan
Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI, aircraft A, P and M on naval air station Morokrembangan,
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Maritieme patrouillebommenwerper Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI (1944-1946) van het 321 Squadron oefenend boven Ceylon
Consolidated B-24J Liberator Mk. GR VI of squadron 321 RNlAS flying over Ceylon
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]