Constr. nr.
Constr. nr.
Date in service
Date in service
Date out of service
Date out of service
Ordering date 28-12-1934. Used in both the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies.
W-1 5399 20-07-1935 02-03-1942

Temporarily civil registration PH-ALC.

Destroyed Lengkong lake.

Ordering date 26-1-1937. Used in both the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies.
W-2 5420   01-1939 Written off January 1939 naval air station Morokrembangan
W-3 5421 12-02-1938 12-05-1940 Used mainly in the Netherlands.
Destroyed during bombardment of naval air station De Mok
W-4 5422 02-06-1937 03-1942 Destroyed March 1942 naval air station Morokrembangan
W-5 5423 02-06-1937 05-1939 Written off may 1939 naval air station Morokrembangan
W-6 5424 03-06-1937 07-08-1940 Accident near naval air station Morokrembangan
W-7 5425 03-06-1937 26-09-1939 Accident near Banka
W-8 5426 23-08-1937 02-03-1942 Destroyed Lengkong lake.
W-9 5427   13-04-1940 Used mainly in the Netherlands.
Entered service in 1937.
Accident near Kamperduin
Ordering date 11-10-1937. Used in both the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies.
W-10 5461   02-03-1942 Entered service in 1937.
Destroyed naval air station Morokrembangan.
W-11 5462   02-03-1942 Entered service in 1937.
Destroyed Lengkong lake.
W-12 5463 01-12-1937 18-01-1942 Shot down near Tjepoe
W-13 5464 03-12-1937 17-06-1941 Accident
W-14 5465 18-01-1938 02-03-1942 Escaped to England in may 1940;
Sent to the Netherlands East Indies.
Destroyed Lengkong lake.
W-15 5466 18-01-1938 02-03-1942 Destroyed Lengkong lake.