Scheme Colour name FS number RAL Humbrol XtraColor Vallejo Model Color Vallejo Model Air Hataka
Standard #1: Delivery scheme Upper surfaces Dark grey   7012 79   70.869 71.123 ~192
Dark green   6014   X251 - - ~193
Undersides Light grey   7001 128 X135 70.990 71.046? ~189
First interim scheme applied to many aircraft; Camouflage pattern as scheme #1 applied from beginning of the eighties.
Standard #2 Upper surfaces Dark grey ~6118   125 X130 70.836 71.053 ~031
Medium grey ~6270     X133 70.870   ~054
Undersides Light Grey ~6375   127 X136 70.990 71.046 ~037
F-16 scheme applied to some aircraft, variations in type roundels and serials.
Standard #3 Upper surfaces Dark Grey ~6118   125 X130 70.836 71.053 ~031
Medium grey ~6270     X133 70.870 - ~054
Undersides Light Grey ~6375   127 X136 70.990 71.046 ~037
Definitive scheme: Applied from mid eighties to most active aircraft.
Standard #4 Upper surfaces Medium grey ~6270     X133 70.870 - ~054
Undersides Light Grey ~6375   127 X136 70.990 71.046 ~037

Check for an extensive conversion table with lots of colour and paint systems.

Northrop NF-5A

Northrop NF5A 1-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A K-3003 in the three tone camouflage pattern at delivery.
Northrop NF5A 1-SMALL
Northrop NF-5As in the three tone camouflage pattern.
Northrop NF5A 3-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A K-3061 in the three tone camouflage pattern applied to some aircraft from about mid 1983.
The original RAL colours are replaced with the Federal Standard colours as applied on the General Dynamics F-16. Aircraft stencilling remained unchanged.
Northrop NF5A 4A-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A K-3058 in a third colour schema, the so called F-16 scheme; aircraft stencilling and colours remained unchanged.
Northrop NF5A 4B-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A K-3028 in a variant of the third colour scheme. The serial has been moved from the nose to the tail in its original size.
Northrop NF5A 4B Fake Cockpit-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A K-3058 in a variant of the third colour scheme. A fake cockpit has been added to the underside of the nose.
Northrop NF5A 4C-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A K-3058 in a variant of the third colour scheme.The serial has been applied on the tail in smaller size. Soon the stencilling was replaced with a toned down version.
Northrop NF5A 5-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A in the two tone camouflage as applied from about mid eighties.
Northrop NF5A 5 QRA-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A in the two tone camouflage as applied from about mid eighties and in the so called QRA configuration, because not enough F-16s were available to accomplish this task.


Northrop NF5B-1-SMALL
Northrop NF-5A K-3062: Special scheme because of conversion of 314 squadron from NF-5 to F-16.
Northrop NF5B-1-SMALL
Northrop NF-5K-3045: 1988 Special scheme because of conversion of 313 squadron from NF-5 to F-16 and the Dutch Championship Football 1988.


Northrop NF-5B

Northrop NF5B-1-SMALL
Northrop NF-5B K-4003 in the three tone camouflage at delivery.
Northrop NF5B-1-SMALL
Northrop NF-5Bs in the three tone camouflage.
Northrop NF5A 2
Northrop NF-5A K-4014 in a three tone camouflage pattern as applied from 1983. The original RAL colours have been replaced with the Federal Standard colours as used on the General Dynamics F-16. The stencilling was unchanged.
Northrop NF5B 3
Northrop NF-5B K-4012 in the second test camouflage scheme, the so called F-16 scheme combined with toned down stencilling.
Northrop NF5B 4
Northrop NF-5B K-4009 in the two tone standard camouflage as applied from about mid eighties.