
The Albatros D.III was developed in 1916 from the Albatros D.II. The "one and a half" wing construction of the successful Nieuport fighter was adopted for this new fighter. The lower wing was narrower than the upper wing.
First flight, with a Mercedes D.II engine, rated 160 hp, was in August 1916.
The first examples were delivered in December 1916.

Soon problems with the lower wing occurred. It tended to twist and break.
During February 1917 a modification of the lower wing was adopted and those aircraft already operational were sent back to the factory for modification.
Further the radiator was added straight above the pilot on the upper wing. The pilot was sprayed with coolant when the radiator was shot leak, so the radiator was moved to the right to solve this problem.

Albatros built about 500 examples in their own factory at Johannistal. During spring 1917 the new Albatros D.V entered production, so the production of the Albatros D.II was moved to OAW, Ostdeutsche Albatros Werke.
OAW received five orders to built 840 D.IIIs. The OAW built D.III differed from the original machine in the enlarged rounded rudder.

Autumn 1916 the Oesterreichische Flugzeugfabrik AG (Oeffag) received a license to built the Algbatros D.III.
Oeffag built three versions of the D.III, series 53.2, 153 and 253. These differed from each other in the type of engine, an Austroe-Daimler rated 185 hp, 200 hp or 225 hp respectively.
These more powerful engines gave the Oeffag D.III a much better performance than the original aircraft. The spinner was often removed, later Oeffag introduced an new, more rounded nose.

The Oeffag aircraft were armed with two 8 mm (.315 in) Schwarzlose machine-guns, which were less reliable than the original LMG machine-guns. Further the lower wings had thicker ribs and flanges, so the problems with the lower wings were solved.

Oeffag built about 526 examples.


Technical Information
Length: 7,33 m Wingspan: 9,05 m
Height: 2,98 m Wing area: 20,5 m2
Empty weight: 661 kg Max. start weight: 955 kg
Max. speed: 165 km/u Rate of climb: 4 min to 1000 m
Range: 300 km Service ceiling: 5485 m
Engine type: One Mercedes D-III rated 160 hp
Crew: One
Armament: Two fixed, forward firing 7,9 mm Spandau LMG 08/15 machine-guns


19 September 1917 landed an Albatros D.III near Breskens. This Albatros was interned with serial Al211.

De Duitse Albatros D.III met registratie 2002/16, direct na de onvoorziene landing in Breskens, omringd door omwonenden en militairen. Geheel links vliegenier Becker, die na de landing werd geïnterneerd.
The German Albatros D.III, serial 2002/16, photographed just after the landing near Breskens, surrounded by local residents and military.
At the left the German Pilot Becker, who was interned.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Albatros D.III met de Nederlandse registratie AL211. Het Duitse registratienummer was 2002/16.
Albatros D.III, German serial 2002/16 with Dutch serial AL211.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Albatros D.III AL211, ex-2002/16, met oranje bollen.
Albatros D.III, former German 2002/16 with Dutch serial AL211.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]
Albatros D.III AL211, ex-2002/16, met oranje bollen.
Albatros D.III with Dutch serial AL211.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]


SerialWerknr.Bestellnr.Date in serviceDate out of serviceNotes
AL211 2002/16   19-09-1917 1920  


1/72nd Scale


  • Pegasus
    • Kit 1028: An injection moulded model
  • Revell
    • Kit 04328: An injection moulded model
  • Roden
    • Kit 012: an injection moulded kit
    • Kit 022: Albatros D.III Oeffag s.53
    • Kit 024: Albatros D.III Oeffag s.153 (early)
    • Kit 030: Albatros D.III Oeffag s.153 (late)
    • Kit 026: Albatros D.III Oeffag s.253 (early)


A model of a Albatros D.III, built by Peter Banis.

Albatros DIII PBanis 1 Albatros DIII PBanis 2 Albatros DIII PBanis 3 Albatros DIII PBanis 4 Albatros DIII PBanis 5 Albatros DIII PBanis 6 Albatros DIII PBanis 7 Albatros DIII PBanis 8 Albatros DIII PBanis 9


Modelling add-on

  • --
    • Set --: --


  • --
    • Set --: --

1/48th Scale


  • BlueMax
    • Kit 114: an injection moulded kit if an Albatros DIII OEFFAG.
  • Eduard
    • Kit 8035: a resin kit
    • Kit 8097: a resin kit (Albatros DIII profipack)
    • Kit 8241 /84150: a resin kit of an Albatros DIII OEFFAG 153
    • Kit 8242 / 84152: a resin kit of an Albatros DIII OEFFAG 253
  • Glencoe
    • Kit 05101: an injection moulded model.
  • Smer
    • Kit 0248:an injection moulded model.

Modelling add-on

  • Eduard
    • Set 48-263: Detailset Albatros DIII
  • Vector Resin
    • Set 48018: Mercedes Benz DIII/DIIIa


  • --
    • Set --: --


SchemeColour nameFS numberHumbrolXtraColorVallejo Model ColorVallejo Model Air
Standard #1Fuselage Wood with yellowish varnish   100      
Undersides Light blue     X243    
Uppersides Brown.   98?      
Grey green   95?      
Olive green ~4086 108 X144    

Check www.paint4models.com for an extensive conversion table with lots of colour and paint systems.



Van Brik tot Starfighter H. Hooftman   1965 La Rivière en Voorhoeve - Zwolle
Nederlandse Militaire Luchtvaart in Beeld. deel 1. Hugo Hooftman pag. 12 - 13 1977 Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel
KLu Vliegtuigen W. Schoenmaker/Th. Postma Pag. 12 1987 Uitgave: De Alk Alkmaar
Aircraft Archive, Aircraft of World War One; Volume 2.   Pag. 64 - 66 1989 Argus Books, Hempsted
Camouflage en Kentekens J.Greuter e.a.   1997 Bonneville – Bergen (NH)
Air Enthusiast no.80, The Historical Aviation Journal: Unexpected Windfalls Bart van der Klaauw pag. 54 - 59 1999 Key Publishing, Stamford

