
The Caudron G.IV was a development of the single engined Caudron G.III. This aircraft, a reliable scout had as he disadvantage that no weapons could be carried. The first flight of the Caudron G.IV was in March 1915.

The wingspan had been enlarged, four rudders and two engines were added, so an armed gunner/observer and a bomb load of 100 kg could be carried.

The aircraft was used as scout and bomber and could penetrate the German. Later, when improved German fighters entered service, the Caudron G.IV was used for nightly operations.

The Caudron G.IV was used by Belgium, France, Finland, England and the US.

A total of 1358 examples were built in France plus an additional 51 examples by A.E.R., Italy and 12 examples by the British Caudron factory.


Three versions were built:

Caudron A2:
a scout, equipped with radio;
Caudron B2:
a bomber, could carry 100 kg bombs;
Caudron E2:
a trainer with double steering.

The Caudron G.IVB was an armoured version.


Technical information
Length: 7,19 m Wingspan: 16,85 m
Height: 2,55 m Wing area: - m2
Empty weight: 733 kg Max. start weight: 1232 kg
Max. speed: 130 km/hr Rate of climb: 15 minutes to 2000 m
Range: 5 hours Service ceiling: 4000 m
Engine type: Two Le Rhône 9C rated 80 hp
Crew: Two men
Armament: One 7 mm Lewis or Hotchkiss machine gun in the nose.
The crew usually also had a carbine or a Chauchat gun.