
In 1939 Fokker had developed an (all-metal) successor of the Douglas DC-2 and DC-3, the Fokker F.24. KLM had ordered four examples and at the time of the German invasion was the first one was under construction.

During the war, the development was secretly continued and in December 1945 Fokker proposed a number of aircraft types that they wanted to develop, including an all-metal airliner.

In autumn 1949 Fokker received subsidy from the Nederlands Instituut voor Vliegtuigontwikkeling, NIV (Dutch Institute for Aerospace Programmes) for a feasibility study on a passenger aircraft with jet engines or turboprops.

In 1951, the first models of the new aircraft were tested in the wind tunnel and in 1953 the final form was established. The same year it was also the first time the new airliner was shown to the public at the Paris Salon Aeronautique .

Two flying prototypes, internally referred to as F.1 and F.3 and two static prototypes, referred to as F.2 and F.4 were built.

On November 24, 1955 the F.1 made its maiden flight. The aircraft, registered as PH-NIV, was equipped with two Rolls Royce Dart RDa6 507 of 1540 hp each, each driving a propeller with a diameter of 3,05 m.

Later these engines were replaced with two Rolls Royce Dart RDa 6 511 of 1740 hp each and driving propellers with a diameter of 3,57 m, as would be applied to the production version, the Fokker F.27 series 100.

In 1957 the engines were replaced by two Rolls Royce Dart 7 RDa 528 of 1835 hp each, as would be applied to the F.27. 200 series

In June 1961, the last flight was made and the unit was eventually dismantled.

Fairchild had acquired the license rights but wanted a version for 32 to 36 passengers, four more than the original version, which could take 28 to 32 passengers.

The second flying prototype, F.3, registered as PH-NVF, had a longer fuselage; This was made ​​91 cm longer in front of the wing and the fuselage length was therefore 23,16 m. The aircraft had two Rolls Royce engines  RDa 6 511-7E of 1742 hp each driving a a propeller of 3,66 m diameter.

The F.3 was widely used for demonstration flights, especially for long flights two additional wing tanks were fitted.


Often the "Mark" designation instead of 'series' was used for the several subtypes, for example Fokker F.27 series 100 was then known as Fokker F.27 Mark 100 (or Mk. 100).

The Fokker built aircraft were designated F.27. They were usually equipped with English instruments.

The Fairchild built aircraft were designated F-27 and had American instruments.

Both types seemed not to differ much, but most parts were not interchangeable.


Fokker F.27 series 100:
the original type, with 44 seats; propeller with rounded tips; 84 examples built.
  • Fokker F.27 series 100MPA: prototype of F.27 MPA, a modified F.27 series 100.
Fokker F.27 series 200:
identical to series 100 but equipped wit two Rolls Royce Dart Mk 802 engines; 115 examples built.
  • Fokker F.27 series 200M Maritime: Maritime patrol version; Fifteen examples built.
    The type could carry two external fuel tanks of 900 l each. In the right tank a remote controlled searchlight was added.
    There were convex windows just behind the wings and on each side of the cockpit.
    Furthermore, additional fuel tanks of 1000 litres each were installed in the wings. Under the fuselage a radome with a search radar was present, and also there was search equipment contained in a tube under the fuselage.
    For positioning an inert navigation device was present.
    The type proofed to be a very stable platform with a flight endurance of 11 hours.
Fokker F.27 series 300 Combiplane:
Three examples of a freight version of the series 100, with left in the front of the fuselage a door of 2,32 x 1,78 m.
  • Fokker F.27 series 300M "Troopship": Nine examples built for RNlAF equal to F.27 series 300 with two additional wide passenger doors on both sides of the fuselage .
Fokker F.27 series 400 "Combiplane":
freight version of series 200 with a door of 2,32 x 1,78 m ; equipped with more powerful Rolls Royce Dart12 engines Eighteen examples built.
  • Fokker F.27 series 400M "Maritime": maritime patrol version of series 400, equal to 200M; two examples built.
Fokker F.27 series 500:
extended (with 1,50 m) version based on series 400, with 52 seats. 124 examples built..
Fokker F.27 series 600:
Reinforced 400 series with more powerful engines; higher payload and takeoff weight; 132 examples built.
  • Fokker F.27-600RF: initially designated as F.27 series 800, with reinforced undercarriage for rough terrain.
Fokker F.27 series 700:
Two examples of series 100 with large freight door, but no reinforced floor.


Fairchild F-27:
first production version. First (commercial) flight July 1958; 47 examples built.
Fairchild F-27A:
identical to Fokker F.27 series 200; 42 examples built.
  • Fairchild F-27F: VIP version based on F-27A; twenty examples built.
  • Fairchild F-27J: F-27A with more powerful Rolls Royce RDa.10 Dart 540-7 of 2305 hp each, driving a four bladed propeller of 3,81 m diameter. Fourteen examples built.
  • Fairchild F-27M:One example based on F-27J for use at higher altitudes equipped with larger propellers.
Fairchild F-27B:
similar to Fokker F.27 series 300; three examples built..
Fairchild FH-227:
F-27J with extended fuselage (2 m in front of the wing) an two Rolls Royce RDa7 Dart 532-7 engines. 28 examples built; twelfth example with reinforced wings.
  • Fairchild FH-227B: modified FH-227 with modified fuselage, larger propellers and improved brakes. 37 examples built.
  • Fairchild FH-227C:Five examples of an modified FH-227 with larger propellers as of FH-227B.
  • Fairchild FH-227D:FH-227B with more powerful Rolls Royce RDA.7 Dart 532-7L engines and discs. Eight examples built.
  • Fairchild FH-227E:(after delivery) modified FH-27 with Rolls Royce RDA.7 Dart 532-7L engines and discs.


Technical information Fokker F-27 Friendship Mk.100
Length: 23,56 m Wing span: 29 m
Height: 8,5 m Wing area: - m2
Empty weight: 10247 kg Max. start weight: 18350 kg
Cruising speed: - km/hr Max. speed: 421 kmhr
Climbing speed: - m/min    
Service ceiling: - m Range: 1715 km
Engine type: Two Rolls Royce Dart 6 MK.514-7 rated 1670 hp each
Crew: -
Armament: None


Technical information Fokker F-27 Mk.300 Troopship
Length: 23,56 m Wing span: 29 m
Height: 8,7 m Wing area: - m2
Empty weight: 10247 kg Max. start weight: 18350 kg
Cruising speed: - km/u Max. speed: 421 km/hr
Climbing speed: - m/min    
Service ceiling: - m Range: 1715 km
Crew: -
Engine type: Two Rolls Royce Dart 6 MK.514-7 rated 1670 hp each
Armament: None


Technical information Fokker F-27 Maritime
Length: 23,56 m Wing span: 29 m
Height: 8,7 m Wing area: - m2
Empty weight: 13725 kg Max. start weight: 17700 kg
Cruising speed: - km/u Max. speed: 463 km/hr
Climbing speed: - m/min    
Service ceiling: - m Range: 5000 km
Engine type: Two Rolls Royce Dart Mk 552 rated 2330 hp each
Armament: -
Notes: MPA = maritime patrol version of the Fokker F-27 Mk.200.
Originally equipped with two Rolls Royce Dart 511-7E engines rated 1600 hp (at the propeller) max. speed 410 km/hr; Range abt 2200 km. Equipped with radar