312 Squadron 40 Years 1991

This scheme was designed by mr. P. van Stigt (see: http://petervanstigt.deviantart.com/ )


A F-16A, J-864, with the 40th (of 312 squadron) anniversary scheme.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]


GeneralDynamics F16A-1991 312Sq-40Jaar-SMALL
In 1991 two aircraft, J-864 and J-878 had a special scheme applied, because of the fortieth anniversary of squadron 312 RNlAF.


GD F 16A 45 jaar 312 Sqn A AKleijn
A model of a General Dynamics F-16A, built by Adri Kleijn.

1/72nd scale

  • Dutch Decal
    • Set 72020: decals for several aircraft such as F-16A J-864, 40 years sq 312 1992; J-012 Tigermeet 1992; J-195 and F-16B J-068 Tigermeet 1992


312 Squadron 45 Years 1996

This scheme was designed by mr.  P. van Stigt (see: http://petervanstigt.deviantart.com/ )

Twee F-16's boven Curaçao. De voorste F-16A  is van 312 Sqn and heeft nog de
Two F-16's flying over Curaçao. The one in front has a special paint scheme because of 45th anniversary of squadron 312.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]


N97 03 37

F-16A J-879 with special paint scheme because of 45 years 312 squadron, photographed at naval air station Valkenburg.


GeneralDynamics F16A-1996 312Sq-45Jaar-SMALL
In 1996 F-16A J879 received a special paint scheme because the forty-fifth anniversary of 312 squadron.


312 Squadron 55 Years 2006

This scheme was also designed by mr. P. van Stigt (see: http://petervanstigt.deviantart.com/ )


IMG 0280

General-Dynamics/Lockheed-Martin F-16AM J-640 with special tail markings because of 55 years 312 squadron, photographed at Open Day Dutch Air Force, June 2007 at airbase Volkel.


GeneralDynamics F16AM 2006 312Sq 55Jaar SMALL
In 2006 F-16AM J-640 had a special paint scheme applied because of 55th anniversary of squadron 312.


312 Squadron 60 Years 2011

In 2011 312 squadron celebrated its 60th anniversary, so F-16AM J-511 received a very nice tail painting, also designed by mr. P. van Stigt (see: http://petervanstigt.deviantart.com/ ).


The J-511 in jublilee paint scheme. [photo: Sander Meijering; at airliners.net used with permission]


De J-511 werd van een speciale beschildering voorzien ter gelegenheid van 60 jarig bestaan van 312 squadron.