314 Squadron 40 Years 1992

I.v.m. 40 jarig jubileum 314 Sqn werd de mascotte
Special paint scheme because of 40 years 314 squadron.
The nick name of the squadron was "Redskins".
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]


GeneralDynamics F16A-1992 314Sq-40Jaar-SMALL
In 1992 J-145 and J-208 received a special paint scheme because of 40th anniversary of 314 squadron.


GD F 16A 40 jaar 314 Sqn AKleijn
A model of a General Dynamics F-16A, built by Adri Kleijn.

1/72nd scale

  • Dutch Decal
    • Set 72019: decals for several aircraft such as General Dynamics F-16A: J-206/J-145: Jubilee 40 jr. 314 squadron 1992.