315 Squadron 35 Years 1987

GeneralDynamics F16A-1991 312Sq-40Jaar-SMALL
In 1987 two F16Bs, J-210 and J-211 received special markings because of the 35th anniversary of squadron 315.


GD F 16B 35 jaar 315 Sqn AKleijn
A model of a General Dynamics F-16B, built by Adri Kleijn.

1/72nd scale

  • Dutch Decal
    • Set 72006: decals for several aircraft.such as F-16A J-219; J-627; J-221 (Frisian Flag ); J-212 (Hill AFB); J-196; J-646 (Test group markings); J-135 35 years 315 squadron; RF-16 J-631; J-643 and J-627.


315 Squadron 40 years 1992


GeneralDynamics F16A-1992 315Sq-40Jaar
In 1992 J-063 had a toned down anniversary scheme applied because of the 40th anniversary of 315 squadron.


GD F 16A 40 jaar 315 Sqn AKleijn
A model of a General Dynamics F-16A, built by Adri Kleijn.

1/72nd scale

  • Dutch Decal
    • Set 72024: decals for several aircraft such as F-16A "40 years 315 squadron" J-063; F-16A 40 years 316 squadron and J-215 "50 years 322 squadron"


315 Squadron 45 Years 1997

N97 01 14

General-Dynamics F-16A J-257 with jubilee markings because of 45 years 315 squadron, photographed at the Open Day Dutch Air Force, July 1997 at airbase Gilze-Rijen.


N97 01 08

General-Dynamics F-16A J-257 with jubilee markings because of 45 years 315 squadron, photographed at the Open Day Dutch Air Force, July 1997 at airbase Gilze-Rijen.


GeneralDynamics F16A-1997 315Sq-45Jaar-SMALL
In 1997 F-16A J-257 had a special paint scheme because of the 45th anniversary of 315 squadron applied.


315 Squadron 50 years 2002.


N03 02 000 V2

F-16AM J-138,with jubilee markings because of 50 years 315 squadron, photographed at the Open Day Dutch Air Force, June 2003 at airbase Twenthe.


Een F-16 van 315 Sqn met beschildering
A F-16 of 315 Sqn with special marking because of "50 years 315" voor de landing.
[Enclosed photo from BeeldBank NIMH. Click on photo for ordering information]


GeneralDynamics F16AM 2002 315Sq 50Jaar SMALL
In 2002 one aircraft, J-138 had a special paint scheme applied because of the fiftieth anniversary of squadron 315 RNlAF.


1/72nd scale

  • Eagle Strike
    • Set 72078: F16 Fighting Falcon (KLu 315 sq jubilee 2002)