
The F-16A and F-16B are the first production versions and are, apart from the number of seats, identical.
The USAF decided not to used the well known abbreviations to designate all smaller modifications applied during production.
The result of this policy is that there are relatively many production Blocks, OCU's and MSIPs. So designations like F-16A-1-CF are not correct.
MSIP means Multinational Staged Improvement Program, this is a program which contains (the description of) a large amount of changes.
OCU (Operational Capability Upgrade) is an improvement of the operational employability and incorporates structural improvements and also the replacement of the F-100-200 engine with the F-100-220 engine which is more reliable.

Below a description of the various production blocks as produced by Fokker of the F-16A and F-16B [General Dynamics and later Lockheed-Martin produced also F-16A.B block 20 and then started production of the F-16C/D version; for an overview of F-16 variants, visit F-16.net:

Block 1:
Both YF-16 prototypes and the eight pre production aircraft were followed by the first production block of operational F-16s.
The first F-16A, fiscal year nr. 78-0001, made its maiden flight in august 1978 and was delivered to the USAF the same month.
A total of 94 examples were produced. This production block characterizes itself with the black nose, the single UHF antenna under the air intake and the smaller horizontal stabilizers.
From the end of 1981 till mid of 1984 these aircraft are upgraded to block 10 standard with the upgrade programs Pacer Loft I and Pacer Loft II and they were equipped with the grey nose and later also the enlarged horizontal rudders.
Block 5:
Because the black nose radome proved to be clearly visible, this production block was equipped with a grey nose radome..
The UHF antenna and smaller horizontal rudders were maintained..
Differences with block 1 are very minimal and are mainly changes to improve reliability and mission readiness.
From the end of 1981 till mid of 1984 these aircraft were upgraded to block 10 standard with the upgrade programs Pacer Loft I and Pacer Loft II and they were equipped with the grey nose and later also the enlarged horizontal rudders.
A total of 197 aircraft were built.
Block 10:
Of this version 312 examples were built. The UHF antenna was changed, but remained on the same location. Further mainly internal differences.
Block 15:
This block also known as MSIP Stage I incorporated many improvements and other changes.
These changes were enlarged rudders, which had as a result different lift-off rotation speeds and allowed a more stable flight at higher angles of attack and better possibility to correct so call "out-of control" situations.
The Block 15 aircraft can also be recognized by the two small rectangular antennas for radar warning, situated under the nose., the antenna at the front of the tail and the UHF antenna, which had been moved from the air intake to a ventral location between both fins. The AN/APG-66 radar has an early version of the so called "track-while-scan mode" to improve air defence capability.
Also the Block 15 has a different radio, the Have Quick I secure UHF radio. Further the air condition was improved.
Also several structural strengthening s were added to wings and fuselage. so more pay load could be taken.
In 1982 an upgrade program was started for the avionics of all Block 1 and block /5 F-16A/B's, code Pacer Loft I.
In December 1983 a second program followed, Pacer Loft II.
A total of 457 Block 15 F-16A and F-16Bs were built, 410 F-16A and 47 F-16B.
Block 15 OCU:
214 aircraft of the Block 15 batch received from block 15Y (from the end of 1987) upgraded systems. These aircraft were designated Block 15 OCU (Operation Capability Upgrade) and had an improved, more reliable Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 turbo fan.
Further they received internal structural strengthening, a larger, wide angle HUD, as was introduced on the F-16 C/D.
The OCU aircraft had the possibility to carry the Kongsberg built, Norwegian Penquin Mk.3 anti shipping missile, (US designation AGM-119; provisions for the AGM-65 and the AIM-120 AMRAAM, a radar altimeter, extended computer capacity, a data transfer unit; AN/APX-101 IFF, Tracor AN/ALE-40 chaff/flare dispenser and provisions for the AN/ALQ-131 ECM pod.
These changes resulted in an increased take-off weight to a maximum of 37,500 lbs (17. 010 kg).
The first block 15 OCU was delivered January 1988. From 1988 all Block 15 F-16s were built according this new OCU specifications.
GeneralDynamics F16A Block vergelijk
Comparision of the several productipon blocks showing the most main eternal differences..


Technical information F-16A Block 1 - Block 15
Length: 14,52 m Wingspan: 9,45 m
Height: 5,01 m Wing area: 27,87 m2
Empty weight: 14968 kg Max. start weight: 16875 kg
Max. speed: 2123 km/hr Climbing speed: - m/min
Cruising speed: - km/hr    
Range: 1604 km Service ceiling: 15240 m
Engine type: One Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200 rated 10794 kg thrust.
Crew: One
Armament: One Vulcan M61 canon; AIM-9J sidewinders; bombs


Technical information F-16A Block 15 OCU
Length: 14,52 m Wingspan: 9,45 m
Height: 5,01 m Wing area: 27,87 m2
Empty weight: 14.968 kg Max. start weight: 17.010 kg
Max. speed: 2123 km/hr Climbing speed: - m/min
Cruising speed: - km/hr    
Range: 1604 km Service ceiling: 15240 m
Engine type: One Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 rated 10794 kg thrust.
Crew: One
Armament: One Vulcan M61 canon; AIM-9J sidewinders; bombs


Technical information Lockheed-Martin F-16AM
Length: 15,03 m Wingspan: 9,8 m
Height: 5,01 m Wing area: 27,87 m2
Empty weight: 14968 kg Max. start weight: 16875 kg
Max. speed: 2123 km/hr Climbing speed: - m/min
Cruising speed: - km/hr    
Range: 1604 km Service ceiling: 15240 m
Engine type: One Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-200E rated 10767 kg thrust.
Crew: One
Armament: One Vulcan M61 canon; AIM-9J sidewinders; bombs


The F-16 replaced the Lockheed F-104G Starfighter as standard air defence fighter (clear weather) and to a certain extend also as fighter-bomber (used with the so called tactical squadrons 311 and 312).

During the eighties the Dutch government was looking for a replacement of the old Northrop NF-5 fighter-bomber and soon the decision was made and the F-16 was chosen to also replace the NF-5.

The task of the F-16 has changed from fighter and fighter-bomber to that of a multi-role aircraft.


Initial the Royal netherlands Air Force use the Orpheus pod, also used with the Lockheed RF-104G Starfighter. Several F-16s, designated as F-16A (R) had special wiring to use with the Orpheus.

The Orpheus pod was withdrawn from use in 1994 as it could be used at medium height.  Al existing and operational F-16s were upgraded to MLU standard during the late nineties. All F-16s, especcially the BLokc15 version, were identical to each other.

As an interim solution it was replaced with the MARS, Medium latitude Reconnaissance System.

Later the Reccelite, developed from the Lantirn targeting pod, was bought.

Upgrades and Modifications.

Below an overview of the most important modifications applied the the (Dutch) F-16.

In case you need an extensive overview check  http://wiki.scramble.nl/index.php/F-16#Technology_demonstrators.2C_modifications_and_studies

Some modification were necessary for a technical life extension because some parts of the airframe showed tiny cracks, much earlier than expected. These modifications were aslo nexcessary because of the delay of the delivery the succesor of the F-16.

1982-1983: Pacer Loft I and Pacer Loft II

All Block 1 and Block 5 airfcraft were modified to Block 10 standard.

1986 and on: Pacer Bond

J-358, delivered September 5, 1986, was the first Diutch F-16A which had the “Have Glass” canopy modification applied.

The canopy had a thin layer material added in order to reduce the RCS (Radar Cross Section) of the F-16. This modification was part of the 'Have Glass' modificatie.

1988/1989 Pacer Mud

Several parts, such as the edge of the air intake, had a layer RAM (Radar Absorbing material) applied in order to reduce the IR signature of the F-16. This program was part of the larger 'Have Glass II' modification.

This modification was also retrofditted to aircraft already in use..

See also page 4 on http://resourcessgd.kb.nl/SGD/19891990/PDF/SGD_19891990_0003791.pdf

See also http://planken.org/rnlaf/f-16-fighting-falcon

1989 and on: Pacer Tail

Adaption the drag chute of Dutch F-16s (according ECP-1315). J-369 was the first Duthc F-16 with this modification and made as such its first test flight on September 12, 1989.

DVM (Depot Vliegtuig  Materieel) at air base Gilze-Rijen modified 30 aircraft already delivered (DVM), whereas Fokker Woensdrecht modified 58 examples.

During the same period the gun port was replaced (‘Wild Bunch'program). The first sries Block 15 aircraft still had the earlies gunport with multi-slot-equipped, the new ports had a different opening, and two slots. Further, of existing Block 10 aircraft the opening of the drawn ECS was adapted to the version of the Block 15. Internally, however, the system didn't alter.

1990: Patch repair 5

During an inspection of the airframe some fatigue problems showed up with a certain girder, which was solved by adding a reinforcement at the wing root.

1993-1996: Pacer SLIP

Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) of the Dutch Air Force for Block 15 aircraft for a tenchical life extesnional of 5000 uur hours of certain parts of the airframe. This modification was added together with ECP-1910, a modification of the wings, by Fokker..

1999: Midlife Update (MLU)

In order to extend the lifespan of the F-16 a joint modernization program was initiated by Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway and Portugal.

This upgrade brought the aircraft up to about the same standard as the USAF Block 50 aircraft. Further, by means of the Falcon Up program the airframe was strengthened so it could be used for 8000 hour (as was intended at construction).

Also a new MMC (Modular Mission Computer, derived from the MMC from the F-22) was applied; further a non-data processor for the AN / APG-66 radar, the integration of the AIM-120 AMRAAM; AN.APX-113 Advanced IFF, color displays and HMCS (Helmet Mounted Cueing System) was added.

The Danish and Norwegian units also received new Pylon Integrated Chaff / Flare Dispenser (Terma PIDS).

Later the (Dutch) MLU F-16s also receiverd several Operational Flight Program Updates; These are mainly software-based updates for the MMC software, often referred to as M-tapes.

IMG 0272

A Lockheed-Martin F-16AM of 312 squadron based at AFB Volkel. Note the toned-down markings on the tail


2002-2010 Pacer Amstel

This program is a combination of the Falcon STAR program, the Falcon UP program and a renewal of the cabling. Falcon STAR is another program for life extension with structural  modification of mainly the wing attachment.

2014: Pacer Wing

Inspection of the vleugels including replacement of cabling and check for crazing.

[source: https://magazines.defensie.nl/vliegendehollander/2014/03/journaal]

2010 – 2020: Pacer ICSS

Repair of parts of the airframe of Dutch F-16s.


Most serials are linked to the page of the particular aircraft at F-16.Net, where much more detailed information is available.


US Fiscal Year-nr.
US Fiscal Year-nr.
Constr. nr.
Constr. nr.
Date in service
Date in service
Date out of service
Date out of service
General Dynamics F-16A block 1
J-212 78-0212 6D-100 08-06-1979 20-11-1997 Written off and scrapped
J-213 78-0213 6D-200 6-08-1979 20-03-1998 Display aircraft 1991.
Written off. To KMA. (Royal Military Academy)
J-214 78-0214 6D-300 05-09-1979 08-01-1998 Written off.
J-215 78-0215 6D-400 02-11-1979 02-02-1999 1993 Special colour scheme because of 50 years 322 squadron.
Written off;
To Military Aviation Museum at Soesterberg.
J-216 78-0216 6D-500 29-02-1980 10-03-1980 Written off after crash in IJsselmeer near Stavoren.
J-217 78-0217 6D-601 21-12-1979 17-07-1981 Written off after accident.
J-218 78-0218 6D-701 20-03-1980 24-05-1998 Written off.
Stores at Woensdrecht.
Instructional airframe at Rijswijk.
J-219 78-0219 6D-801 31-03-1980 27-04-1995 1990 at USAF 148 TFTS 'AZ'
Written off.
Instructional airframe at Leeuwarden airbase.
J-220 78-0220 6D-901 31-03-1980 12-2000 In storage at Twenthe;
Partly scrapped.
Cockpit-section in use as simulation trainer at TNO Mission Simulation Centre (TNO-MSC) te Soesterberg AFB
J-221 78-0221 6D-100 01-05-1980 27-04-1995 1990 at USAF 148 TFTS 'AZ'.
Written off
Instructional airframe at Leeuwarden airbase.
J-222 78-0222 6D-110 19-05-1980 11-05-1995 1990 at USAF 148 TFTS 'AZ'.
Written off.
Instructional airframe at Volkel airbase.
J-223 78-0223 6D-120 02-07-1980 01-01-1996 Written off
Instructional airframe at Leeuwarden airbase.
Later at Woensdrecth air base?
General Dynamics F-16A block 5
J-224 78-0224 6D-130 30-06-1980 26-04-1983 Written off after mid-air-collision with J-227 near Hoogeveen.
J-225 78-0225 6D-140 14-07-1980 21-03-1983 Written off after crash near Soltau, Germany.
J-226 78-0226 6D-150 01-07-1980 19-02-1999 Display aircraft Leeuwarden 1991.
Written off.
In use for exhibitions.
J-227 78-0227 6D-160 04-08-1980 26-04-1983 Written off after mid-air-collision with J-224 near Hoogeveen.
J-228 78-0228 6D-170 22-08-1980 11-09-1997 Written off after hiiting trees near Gose Bay, Canada.
Gateguard at Leeuwarden airbase.
J-229 78-0229 6D-180 22-08-1980 28-04-1995 Written off.
Instructie airframe at Volkel airbase.
In 2004 on display inspecial scheme because of 25 years F-16 in the Netherlands (almost identical scheme as prototype)
See this example
J-230 78-0230 6D-190 16-10-1980 11-2001 1997 Tigermeet scheme.
1998 (blue) 50 years 323 squadron scheme.
Written off and stored at Volkel airbase.
Later to Soesterberg.
J-231 78-0231 6D-200 11-12-1980 2000 Display aircraft Leeuwarden 1991.
Written off and scrapped;
Cockpit section is use for simulation training by the TNO Mission Simulation Centre (TNO-MSC) at Soesterberg.
J-232 78-0232 6D-210 19-11-1980 09-2001 In storage at Soesterberg.
In 2005 to VTOC at Schiphol
J-233 78-0233 6D-220 19-11-1980 20-10-1981 Written off after craash in sea near Ameland.
J-234 78-0234 6D-230 13-01-1981 01-20-1996 Written off.

Instructional airframe at Twenthe airbase/
Since 2013 nstructional airframe at Deltion College at Zwolle.
J-235 78-0235 6D-240 18-03-1981 01-2001 Written off.
In storage at Volkel, later to Soesterberg;
2007 used for fire practices air base Eindhoven.
Currently in use for instructional purposes at air base Eindhoven.
J-236 78-0236 6D-250 13-03-1981 12-2000 In 1998 'Day/Night' scheme because of 85 years Klu.
Storage at air base Leeuwarden; later to Soesterberg;
Since January 2005 at ROC school at Hoofddorp.
J-237 78-0237 6D-260 06-04-1981 03-06-1981 Written off after crash in Lauwersmeer.
General Dynamics F-16A block 10
J-238 78-0238 6D-270 04-05-1981 18-12-1992 Written off.
Show Aviodome, afterwards to LETS.
Gateguard at Eindhoven airbase.
J-239 78-0239 6D-280 22-05-1981 10-1999 Written off and scrapped for spare parts after being used for research of fatigue of essential parts.
J-240 78-0240 6D-290 04-05-1981 10-2001 Written off.
To Volkel airbase as gate guard??
J-241 78-0241 6D-300 25-05-1981 09-2001 Written off and in storage.
In January 2004 to ROC at Tilburg (marked as J-315).
J-242 78-0242 6D-310 22-06-1981 01-11-1995 Written off.
In 2003 transferred to Norwegian Training Centre at Kjevik airbase
J-243 78-0243 6D-320 15-07-1981 12-2001 Withdrawn from use.
In storage at Soesterberg.
Since 2001 as instructional airframe at Woensdrecht airbase.
J-244 78-0244 6D-330 17-06-1981 17-11-1986 Written off after crash in Norhtsea near Ameland.
J-245 78-0245 6D-340 01-09-1981 27-04-1995 Written off
In 2006 to Ramstein airbase as gateguard.
J-246 78-0246 6D-350 10-09-1981 01-01-1996 Written off.
In use as instructional airframe at KMSL (Military airforce school)
J-247 78-0247 6D-360 02-10-1981 28-04-1995 Written off
As instructional airframe at Twenthe.
In storage at Gilze Rijen airbase.
J-248 78-0248 6D-370 08-10-1981 08-2001 1998 (yellow) scheme "50 years 323".
Written off.
In storage at Woensdrecht. Later Soesterberg.
J-249 78-0249 6D-380 06-10-1981 12-2000 Written off; In storage at Leeuwarden airbase.
In 2004 to Leeuwenborgh College at Maastricht
J-250 78-0250 6D-390 12-10-1981 12-2000 Written off.
In use as instructional airframe at KMSL (Military airforce school)
J-251 78-0251 6D-400 20-11-1981 01-2005 In 1995 modified to F-16AM
Withdrawn from use.
in storage at Gilze-Rijen airbase.
J-252 78-0252 6D-410 18-01-1982 04-10-1983 1983 Special colour scheme because of 40 years 322 squadron.
Written off after accident.
J-253 78-0253 6D-420 19-02-1982 01-2005 Display aircraft in 1994.
In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use with PAF (Project Afstoting F-16) badge applied.
In storage at Soesterberg.
J-254 78-0254 6D-430 01-02-1982 02-2007 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
In storage at Soesterberg..
J-255 78-0255 6D-440 11-02-1982 02-2007 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use and in storage.
On March 30, 2010 to Chile as instructional airframe.
J-256 78-0256 6D-450 16-04-1982 15-12-2000 Written off after taxi accident.
In April 2008 to Technical University Delft.
J-257 78-0257 6D-460 26-03-1982 02-2007 1997 Special colour scheme 45 years 315 squadron.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use and in storage at Gilze-Rijen airbase.
General Dynamics F-16A block 15
J-135 85-0135 6D-125 30-06-1987   1987: Special logo on the tail because of 40 years 315 squadron.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-136 85-0136 6D-126 31-07-1987   1993: Special colour scheme 40 years 316 squadron.
1994: Same scheme but with the addition "The End" because of abolishment of 316 squadron
In 1998 modified to F-16AM;
J-137 85-0137 6D-127 03-09-1987 01-2005?? In 1997? modified to F-16AM
Withdrawn from use and stored.
April 5, 2007 to Chile as 757.
J-138 85-0138 6D-128 29-09-1987 2007 In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
2002: Special colour scheme because of 50 years 315 squadron.
Withdrawn from use
On November 4, 2011 to Chile as 757.
J-139 85-0139 6D-129 27-10-1987 2005? In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use
April 5, 2007 to Chile as 731.
J-140 85-0140 6D-130 24-12-1987 08-06-1998 Written off after accident and scrapped;
Cockpit section in use for simulation training of the TNO Mission Simulation Centre (TNO-MSC) at Soesterberg.
J-192 83-1192 6D- 99 24-07-1985 2007? In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use
On april 5, 2010 to Chile as 730.
J-193 83-1193 6D-100 26-08-1985 07-2012 Display aircraft 1993.
In 1995? modified to F-16AM
Withdrawn from use and stored
Sold to Jordan on 04-11-2014; ; Delivered in 12-2017 as 246
J-194 83-1194 6D-101 01-10-1985 2005? In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
On 08-09-2006 to Chile as 722.
J-195 83-1195 6D-102 06-11-1985 10-02-1993 Written off after crash near Geffen.
J-196 83-1196 6D-103 31-10-1985   1999 Special colour scheme because of 50 years NATO.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
J-197 83-1197 6D-104 29-11-1985   1991: Special colour scheme because of 40 years 311 squadron.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
J-198 83-1198 6D-105 17-01-1986 2009 In 2001? modified to F-16AM
Withdrawn from use and put in storage.
On 04-11-2010 to Chile as 753.
J-199 83-1199 6D-106 17-02-1986 07-2012 In 2000? modified to F-16AM
2006: Special colour scheme because of last inspection of a F-16 at air base Twenthe.
Withdrawn from use and stored
Sold to Jordan in 2014; Delivered in 10-2017 as 247
J-200 83-1200 6D-107 27-03-1986 28-02-1991 Written off after crash in North sea.
J-201 83-1201 6D-108 02-04-1986   1987: Special GeneralDynamics logo's at air show le Bourget.
In 1995? modified to F-16AM
J-202 83-1202 6D-109 29-05-1986   In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
J-203 83-1203 6D-110 29-05-1986 05-2011 In 2000? modified to F-16AM
August 29, 2011 to Chile as 745.
J-204 83-1204 6D-111 17-06-1986 2009 In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use and stored.
On 05-04-2011 to Chile as 745.
J-205 83-1205 6D-112 23-06-1986 2006? In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use and stored.
On 05-04-2007 to Chile as 729.
J-206 83-1206 6D-113 24-07-1986 15-06-2001 1992: Special colour scheme because of 40 years 314 squadron.
In 1996? modified to F-16AM.
Written off after a crash in North sea
J-207 83-1207 6D-114 22-08-1986 2009 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use and stored.
On November 4, 2010 to Chile in 2010
J-258 78-0258 6D-470 01-6-1982 10-05-1990 Written off after accident.
J-358 84-1358 6D-115 05-9-1986 10-05-1990 Written off after accident.
J-359 84-1359 6D-116 03-11-1986 23-09-1992 Written off after accident.
J-360 84-1360 6D-117 04-11-1986 01-2006 1994: Special colour scheme because of World Championship football.
Withdrawn from use and stored.
In 2007 to Chile as 723.
J-361 84-1361 6D-118 02-12-1986 23-90-1999 Written off after crash in North sea
J-362 84-1362 6D-119 23-12-1986   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-363 84-1363 6D-120 02-02-1987 19-07-2006 In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
Written off after a crash in Waddensea.
J-364 84-1364 6D-121 02-02-1987 31-08-2006 Display aircraft 1997 and 1998 Leeuwarden.
In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
Written off after accident.
J-365 84-1365 6D-122 30-03-1987 2009 In 1998/1999? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
On August 29, 2011 to Chile as 756.
J-366 84-1366 6D-123 29-04-1987   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
2003: Special colour scheme because of 50 years 313 Squadron.
J-367 84-1367 6D-124 01-06-1987   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-616 80-3616 6D-48 14-05-1982   In 1986 special colour scheme because of Open Day air base Eindhoven and 40 years 311 squadron.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
J-617 80-3617 6D-49 14-06-1982 2009 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use and stored.
To Chile as 74 1on November 4, 2011
J-618 80-3618 6D-50 20-07-1982 26-05-1992 Written off after accident at Goos Bay, Canada.
J-619 80-3619 6D-51 20-07-1982 2005 In 1991 Special colour scheme 40 years 311 squadron.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
In 1999 special colour scheme because of 50 years NATO.
Withdrawn from use.
June 03, 2007 to Chile as 728.
J-620 80-3620 6D-52 19-07-1982 2009 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
In 2001 Maple Flag logo on the tail.
Withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
On August 29, 2011 to Chile as 742
J-621 80-3621 6D-53 31-08-1982 03-06-1985 Written off after mid-air collision with J-627 near Gronau, Germany.
J-622 80-3622 6D-54 01-10-1982 2005? In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
June 03, 2007 to Chile as 727.
J-623 80-3623 6D-55 25-10-1982 07-2012 In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use and stored.
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 12-2017 as 238
J-624 80-3624 6D-56 06-12-1982   Display aircraft 1993.
In 1999 test with stickers for experimental Tiger scheme.
In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
J-625 80-3625 6D-57 02-12-1982 04-06-1988 Written off after crash Goose bay, Canada.
J-626 80-3626 6D-58 20-12-1982 13-06-1986 Written off after crash in North Sea.
J-864 81-0864 6D-81 16-07-1984 2009 1988 Special colour scheme because of 75 years Klu.
In 1991 special colour scheme because of 40 years 312 squadron.
In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
November 4, 2010 to Chile as 747
J-865 81-0865 6D-82 30-07-1984 03-06-1985 Written off after mid-air collision wiht J-624 near Gronau, Germany.
J-866 81-0866 6D-83 10-08-1984   In 1996? modified to F-16AM.
J-867 81-0867 6D-84 30-07-1984 2009 In 1995? modified to F-16AM.
In 2009? withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
On April 5, 2011 to Chile as 748
J-868 81-0868 6D-85 01-10-1984 2012 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
1998 special tail logo because of 50 years 'Cornfield' (Vliehors) range
In April 2002 special Maxima markings.
Withdrawn from use and stored.
in 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 12-2017 as 241
J-869 81-0869 6D-86 31-10-1984 2009 In 2002? modified to F-16AM.
In 2009 withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
November 4, 2010 to Chile as 749.
J-870 81-0870 6D-87 22-11-1984 2012 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
During 2010 stationed atUSAF 148 FS
Withdrawn from use
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 12-2017 as 242
J-871 81-0871 6D-88 06-12-1984   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-872 81-0872 6D-89 18-12-1984 2012 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 10-2017 as 243
J-873 81-0873 6D-901 25-01-1985 2012 In 2001? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 10-2017 as 244
J-874 81-0874 6D-911 13-02-1985 2009 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
In 2009 withdrawn from use, refubished an stored.
August 29, 2011 to Chile as 750
J-875 81-0875 6D-921 25-02-1985 2009 In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
2001 Tigermeet colour scheme.
In 2009 withdrawn from use, refubished an stored.
August 29, 2011 to Chile as 751.
J-876 81-0876 6D-931 01-04-1985 2012 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
2008 special colour scheme because of 65 years 322 squadron. Withdrawn from use
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 12-2017 as 245
J-877 81-0877 6D-941 19-04-1985   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-878 81-0878 6D-951 26-04-1985 12-2006 In 1991 special colour scheme because of 40 years 312 squadron.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
In December 2006 withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
April 5, 2007 to Chile as 724.
J-879 81-0879 6D- 96 30-05-1985   In 1996 Special colour scheme 45 years 312 squadron.
In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
J-880 81-0880 6D- 97 14-06-1985 21-05-1991 Written off after crash West of Sardinia.
J-881 81-0881 6D- 98 26-06-1985   In 1995? modified to F-16AM.
General Dynamics F-16A(R) Block 15
J-627 80-3627 6D-591 18-02-1983 2009 In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
August 2011 to Chile as 743.
J-628 80-3628 6D-601 01-03-1983   In 2000? modified to F-16AM
J-629 80-3629 6D-611 01-03-1983 15-04-1986 Written off after crash near Linz, Germany.
Tail section to TU Delft.
J-630 80-3630 6D-621 05-04-1983   In 2000? modified to F-16AM.
In 2001 special tail sticker because of 50 years 311 squadron
J-631 80-3631 6D-631 05-04-1983   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Display aircraft season 2014-2015.
J-632 80-3632 6D-641 02-05-1983   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-633 80-3633 6D-651 30-06-1983 2006 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use.
September 8, 2006 to Chile as 721
J-634 80-3634 6D-661 30-06-1983 28-5-1984 Written off after crash near Linz, Germany.
J-635 80-3635 6D-671 30-06-1983   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-636 80-3636 6D-681 21-07-1983   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM. 1998 jubilee scheme 45 years 306 squadron.
Withdrawn from use and store.
April 5, 2011 to Chili as 744
J-637 80-3637 6D-691 09-08-1983 07-2012 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use.
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 12-2017 as 239
J-638 80-3638 6D-701 01-09-1983 07-2012 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use.
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 10-2017 as 240
J-639 80-3639 6D-711 01-09-1983 11-02-1988 Written off after crash near Haaksbergen.
J-640 80-3640 6D-721 16-09-1983 11-02-2011 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
2006 Jubilee scheme 55 years 312 squadron.
Crash near SABCA, Gosselies (just before delivery to Chile as 745)
J-641 80-3641 6D-731 03-10-1983   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-642 80-3642 6D-741 20-01-1984   1993 Jubilee scheme 45 years 306 squadron.
1998 Jubilee scheme 50 years 323 squadron (this squadron had no aircraft available).
In 1999/2000? modified to t F-16AM.
2006 Jubilee scheme 55 years 311 squadron (two versions: September 2006 and later a different one in Oktober 2006)
J-643 80-3643 6D-751 16-03-1984   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-644 80-3644 6D-761 13-04-1984   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-645 80-3645 6D-771 13-4-1984 09-08-1993 Written off after a crash near Volkel.
J-646 80-3646 6D-781 04-06-1984   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-647 80-3647 6D-791 04-07-1984 2011 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
In 2010 stationed at USAF 148 FS.
In 2011 withdrawn from use.
In 2014 sold to Jordan (delivery 2016?).
J-648 80-3648 6D-801 20-07-1984 2009 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
from use, refurbished and stored.
On April 5, 2011 to Chile as 746.
General Dynamics F-16A block 15 OCU
J-001 88-0001 6D-157 22-06-1990   1995; Special colour scheme because of display flying.
In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-002 88-0002 6D-158 03-07-1990   In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-003 88-0003 6D-159 13-09-1990   1995; Special colour scheme because of display flying.
In 1995? modified to F-16AM
J-004 88-0004 6D-160 09-10-1990   1991: Special colour scheme because of Tiger Meet.
In 1995/1996? modified to F-16AM
J-005 88-0005 6D-161 15-11-1990   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-006 88-0006 6D-162 15-11-1990   In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
2003; Tail logo because of 60 years 322 squadron (removed the next day)
J-007 88-0007 6D-163 21-12-1990 10-01-1992 Written off after accident.
J-008 88-0008 6D-164 05-02-1991   In 1995? modified to F-16AM.
2008 special colour scheme because of 55 years 313 squadron.
J-009 88-0009 6D-165 06-03-1991   In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-010 88-0010 6D-166 04-04-1991   In 1995? modified to F-16AM
J-011 88-0011 6D-167 26-04-1991   In 1995? modified to F-16AM
J-012 88-0012 6D-168 04-06-1991 10-01-1996 1991; Special colour scheme because of 1991 Tiger Meet.
Written off after accident
J-013 89-0013 6D-169 01-07-1991   In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-014 89-0014 6D-170 02-08-1991   In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-015 89-0015 6D-171 30-08-1991   In 1995? modified to F-16AM.
2003; Tail logo because of 50 years 313 squadron.
2009: Special colour scheme because of display flying.
J-016 89-0016 6D-172 25-09-1991   In 1996/1997? modified to F-16AM.
2001- 2004; Special colour scheme because of display flying.
J-017 89-0017 6D-173 25-10-1991   In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-018 89-0018 6D-174 04-12-1991   In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
2002: Special colour scheme because of Tiger Meet 2002 stationed at Tucson, Arizona
J-019 89-0019 6D-175 07-01-1992   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-020 89-0020 6D-176 03-02-1992   In 2000? modified to F-16AM
J-021 89-0021 6D-177 28-02-1992   October 2000 modified to F-16AM
J-054 86-0054 6D-137 29-07-1988 11-02-1992 Written off after accident.
First (Dutch) F-16A equipped with Pratt & Whitney F-100-PW-220 engine.
J-055 86-0055 6D-138 02-08-1988   In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
From 2005 till 2008 special colour scheme as display aircraft.
J-056 86-0056 6D-139 13-10-1988 19-04-1989 Written off after accident.
J-057 86-0057 6D-140 14-10-1988 07-2012 In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use.
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 12-2017 as 249
J-058 86-0058 6D-141 29-11-1988 2009 1990: Special colour scheme because of display flying.
1996: Special colour scheme because of 45 years 311 squadron.
In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
In 2009 withdrawn from use, refurbished and stored.
April 5, 2011 to Chile as 758
J-059 86-0059 6D-142 06-02-1989 22-12-1999 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Written off after accident.
J-060 86-0060 6D-143 22-02-1989   Display aircraft 1990 Leeuwarden.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
J-061 86-0061 6D-144 16-03-1989   In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-062 86-0062 6D-145 30-03-1989   In 2000? modified to F-16AM
J-063 86-0063 6D-146 30-05-1989   1992: Special colour scheme 40 years 315 squadron.
November 1999 modified to F-16AM.
1999: MiG killer marking.
2003:Special colour scheme because of 60 years 322 squadron.
J-141 85-0141 6D-131 04-01-1988 2005? In 1998? modified to F-16AM
Withdrawn from use , refurbished and stored.
September 8, 2006 to Chile as 730.
J-142 85-0142 6D-132 15-02-1988   1993: Special colour scheme because of 40 years 316 squadron.
In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-143 85-0143 6D-133 01-03-1988 2006? In 1998? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use.
June 3, 2007 to Chile as 725.
J-144 85-0144 6D-134 07-04-1988   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
J-145 85-0145 6D-135 26-04-1988 08-2012 1992: Special colour scheme because of 40 years 314 squadron.
1997: Special colour scheme because of 45 years 315 squadron.
In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
Withdrawn from use.
Sold to Jordan in 2014;; Delivered in 10-2017 as 248
J-146 85-0146 6D-136 20-05-1988   In 1996? modified to F-16AM.
J-508 87-0508 6D-147 30-07-1989   1996: Special colour scheme because of display flying.
In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-509 87-0509 6D-148 02-08-1989   In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM
J-510 87-0510 6D-149 04-09-1989 07-2012 In 1999/2000? modified to F-16AM.
2001: Tail sticker because of 50 years 312 squadron.
Withdrawn from use.
In 2014 sold to Jordan; Delivered in 12-2017 as 250
J-511 87-0511 6D-150 26-09-1989   In 1995? modified to F-16AM.
2004; Special colour scheme because of 50 years 313 squadron.
August 2011 jubilee scheem 60 years 312 squadron.
J-512 87-0512 6D-151 10-11-1989   In 1995? modified to F-16AM
J-513 87-0513 6D-152 30-01-1990   In 1998/1999? modified to F-16AM
J-514 87-0514 6D-153 02-03-1990   In 1998/1999? modified to F-16AM
J-515 87-0515 6D-154 03-04-1990   In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-516 87-0516 6D-155 01-05-1990   1990: having General Dynamics logo applied at Farnborough air show.
In 1998? modified to F-16AM
J-710 87-0710 6D-156 22-05-1990 21-11-1990 Written off after crash near Coevorden.


Below is a listing of several modelling stuff regarding the F-16. Due to the fact that frequently new kits, new decals and so on are released, this listing is not complete.

For a rather complete listing of F-16 models, just check this site: HABU.Net

1/72nd Scale

  • AMT
    • Kit AMT317876325: F16A Fighting Falcon
  • ESCI
    • Kit 9026: F-16A Fighting Falcon (block 10/15) met decals voor een KLu F-16 van 312 squadron
    • Kit 9041: F-16A Light Fighter (block 10/15) met decals voor Klu F-16A J-252 40 years 322 squadron KLu
  • Fujimi
    • Kit 7AE2: F16A "Wolf Pack"
    • Kit 7AE5: F16B+ Wolf Pack
    • Kit 7AE3: F16A Fighting Falcon "Norway AF"(Tiger Meet `91)
    • Kit 7AE2 700: General Dynamics F-16A Plus Fighting Falcon
    • Kit 7AEX: F-16A Plus Thunderbirds
  • Hasegawa
    • Kit 601 / 02601 / BT1-800: General Dynamics F-16A Plus Fighting Falcon
    • Kit 602: Thunderbirds F-16A Fighting Falcon (same as kit 601)
    • Kit 2400188: F16A Fighting Falcon "Black Knights" (Singapore)
    • Kit 240BT01: F16A Fighting Falcon "50TFW"
    • Kit 240BT02: F16A Fighting Falcon (Thunderbirds)
    • Kit 2401980: F16A ADF "Fighting Falcon" Viper
    • Kit 2401997: F16A ADF "Fighting Falcon" Veltro 51 (Octopusy)
    • Kit 01962: F16A ADF Fighting Falcon "ANG Combo" - 2 kits included
    • Kit 2401949: F16AM/BM Fighting Falcon (Royal Norwegian AF Tiger meet 2010) Two kits included
  • Heller
    • Kit 5HV80337: F16A/B Fighting Falcon
  • Hobby boss
    • Kit 80272: F16A Fighting Falcon
  • Hobbycraft
    • Kit IHC1326: GD F16A/B Viper
  • Italeri
    • Kit 1271: F16A/B Fighting Falcon
    • Kit 0130: F16A/B
    • Kit 1204: F16A/B "NATO Falcon"
    • Kit 1337: F16ADF/AM Fighting Falcon
  • Master Craft
    • Kit d-34: F16A block 15 "Halcon Cazador"
    • Kit D-33: F16A block 15 "Gunsmoke '85"
  • Revell
    • Kit 04363: Lockheed F16A MLU (KLU/BLU): 
      • De website van IPMS Nederland bevat een review van dit Revell-model.
    • Kit 04691: Lockheed Martin F16Mlu "Tigermeet '09"
    • Kit 03980: F16MLU Fighting Falcon (Solo Display KLu); Orange Lion
    • Kit 04318: Lockheed F16A Special: decals for KLu demo-kist)


IMG 8667

A model of a General Dynamics F-16A.

IMG 8666


IMG 8662

A model of a General Dynamics F-16A, Arizona ANG detachment during the eighties.

IMG 8663


GD F 16A 306 Sqn Recon AKleijn
A model of a F-16AR, built by Adri Kleijn.


GD F 16A Mlu check six AKleijn
A model of the prototype of the F-16A MLU , built by Adri Kleijn.


Modelling add-on

At this webpage one may find lots of information about the ACES II ejection seat.

  • Aeroclub Models
    • Set EJ005: ACES II (A10, F16, F15)
  • Aires
    • Set 7051: ACES 2 Ejection Seat (F15,F16,A10,F117,B2,B1)
    • Set 7155: F16A/B Fighting Falcon Exhaust nozzle (Hasegawa)
    • Set 7182: F16A Fighting Falcon radome (Hasegawa)
  • CMK
    • Set A7117: F16C Fighting Falcon Armament set (Hasegawa)
    • Set A7003: F16 Air Intake (Hasegawa)
  • Detail Model
    • Set 7010: ACES II ejection seat (incl. etchings) for F15, F16, A10
    • Set 72024: F16B/D Cockpit Detail set
  • Eagles Design
    • Set 72-WP-05: Lantirn Pods F16
  • Eduard
    • Set 72-311: Detailset F16A/B Fightning Falcon (Italeri)
    • Set 72-148: Detailset F16A (Hasegawa)
    • Set 72-414: Detailset F16 Falcon F.O.D. (Hasegawa)
    • Set 73-235 / SS235: Detailset F16A Fighting falcon plus (Hasegawa)
    • Set SS151: Detailset F16A/B Fighting Falcon (Italeri)
    • Set XS217: Express Mask F16A Fighting falcon (Hasegawa)
    • Set XS031: Express Mask F16A/B Fighting Falcon (Italeri)
  • Flightpath
    • Set 72-122B: F16 Fighting Falcon
    • Set 72-122: USAF Access Ladder Set 4 (F4,F15,F16)
  • Model Technologies
    • Set 0047: F16 Falcon Canopy Detail Set
    • Set 1003: F16 Falcon Interior Placard set
  • Neomega
    • Set E10: ACES II Seat For A10,F15,F16
  • Plastic World Modeli
    • Set 7203: F16 Parabrake housing (Norway, Dutch)
  • Part Etchings
    • Set S72-052: GD F16 Fighting Falcon jet Nozzle (Italeri)
    • Set S72-051: GD F16A/B Fighting Falcon (Italeri) (Interior)
  • Pavla
    • Set S72012: Aces II (A10,F15,F16)
  • Quickboost
    • Set 72013: F16 Ejection seats with safety belts
  • Rob Taurus Canopies
    • Set 72025: Canopy F16A Fighting Falcon (Hasegawa)
  • Verlinden
    • Set 00000226: Aces II Ejection Seat (F15/F16)


  • Almark
    • Set S4x: F16A 75th Jaar KLu kleurenschema (J-864/312sq)
  • Astra Decal
    • Set 7211: Set for KLu-F-16's. J-248 'Dirty Diana' 50 jaar 323 squadron; J-220 & J-231 50 jaar NATO; J-063 MiG kill-marking.
    • Set 7218: Set for F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon (KLu 323sq Diana part 1).
    • Set 7219: Set for F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon (KLu 323sq Diana part 2).
  • Daco Products
    • Set 7218: MLU Fighting Falcon (KLu 323sq Diana part 1)
    • Set 7219: F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon (KLu 323 sq Diana part 2)
    • Set 7220: F-16B MLU Fighting Falcon RNlAF Test Aircraft J-066 "Orange Jumper"
    • Set 7222: F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon Reinformcement plates
  • DXM Decals
  • Dutch Decal
    • Set 72006: decals voor verschillende vliegtuigtypen.zoals F-16A J-219; J-627; J-221 (Friese vlag ); J-212 (Hill AFB); J-196; J-646 (Test groep kenmerken); J-135 35 jaar 315 squadron; RF-16 J-631; J-643 en J-627.
    • Set 72011: decals voor verschillende vliegtuigtypen zoals F-16A: J-866 en J-880, 314 en 316 squadron;
    • Set 72012: decals voor verschillende vliegtuigtypen zoals F-16A: J-199: vroege kenmerken van 313 squadron J-514: Tijger-embleem 313 squadron.
    • Set 72013: decals voor verschillende vliegtuigtypen zoals F-16A J-619, 40 jaar squadron 311; J-060 display 1990 en F-16B J-259 10 jaar F-16 1989.
    • Set 72019: decals voor verschillende vliegtuigtypen zoals General DynamicsF-16A: J-206/J-145: Jubileumuitvoering 40 jr. 314 squadron 1992.
    • Set 72020: decals voor verschillende vliegtuigtypen zoals F-16A J-864, 40 years sq 312 1992; J-012 Tigermeet 1992; J-195 and F-16B J-068 Tigermeet 1992
    • Set 72024: decals voor verschillende vliegtuigtypen zoals F-16A "40 jaar 315 squadron" J-063; F-16A 40 jaar 316 squadron en J-215 "50 jaar 322 squadron"
    • Set 72031: Set decals met squadron badges
    • Set 72036: Set decals met squadron badges
    • Set 72081: Set decals with serial and registrations KLu Meteor F MK4/T7/ F Mk8, Lockheed F104G/TF104G, NF5A/B, F16A/B)
  • Eagle Strike
    • Set 72079: F16 Fighting Falcon (85 jaar KLu Leeuwarden AFB)
    • Set 72078: F16 Fighting Falcon (KLu 315 sq jubileum 2002)
    • Set 72077: F16 Fighting Falcon (KLu, Belg AF)
  • Flevo Decals
    • Set 72-015: F-16AM Several 313Sq F-16's with some special tails
  • Model Decal
    • Set 98: Tornado F2/F3, Jaguar (RAF), F16A 312 sq 75 jaar (KLU)
    • Set 74: Decals voor F-16s van verschillende landen o.a. KLu F16s: J-252 (40 jaar 322 squadron 1983); J-251; J-214; J-624; J-632; J-653 en J-267.
  • SuperScale
    • Set 72-277: F16 NATO (BAF,NorAF,KLu,DanAF)
    • Set 72-498: F-16 Falcon Data (Low Visability)
    • Set 72-520: F16A International (KLu, Denemarken, Noorwegen, Venezuela)
  • Syhart Decals
    • Set 72-045: F-16AM J-063 60 years 322sq klu 2003 & J-876 65 Years 322sq KLu 2008
    • Set 72-055: F-16AM J-015 orange Lion Solo display KLU
    • Set 72-905: F16A/B Falcon, standard stencils data Belgian Air Force and others
  • Zotz Decals
    • Set 72-022: F16A (KLu 313 50 jaar)

1/48th Scale


  • Esci
    • Kit H2277: F16A Fighting Falcon
  • Italeri
    • Kit 3402694: F16A /ADV Fighting Falcon Special colours
    • Kit 3472641: F16A Nato Fighter
    • Kit 342654: F16 Fighting Falcon - DUTCH MARKINGS INCLUDED!
  • Kinetic Model Kits
    • Kit 48011: F16A/B Fighting Falcon Block 20 (Taiwan AF
    • Kit 48002: F16AM Fighting Falcon Block 15
    • Kit 48036: F16AM Fighting Falcon Block 20 (Belgian AF Tiger meet 2009)
  • Hasegawa
    • Kit 2409962: F16A Fighting Falcon (Israeli AF)
  • Master Craft
    • Kit g-03: F16A block 10 "BAF Spitfire "Falcon"
    • Kit g-21: F16A block 10 "KLu 323sq Diana"
  • Minicraft
    • Kit 12259: F16A/C Fighting Falcon
  • Revell
    • Kit 04527: Lockheed F16 ADF

Modelling add-on

  • Plastic World Modeli
    • Set 4826: F16 block 15 standard tail update (Tamiya Block 25/32 Viper)
  • Wolfpack
    • Set 48040: F16A/B Block 20 Conversion set (Revell)
  • Part Etchings
    • Set S48028: GD F16A Fighting Falcon (Hasegawa)
    • Set S48030: GD F16A/B/C/D Fighting Falcon Exterior (Hasegawa)
  • CMK
    • Set 4116: F16A Armament set (Hasegawa)
    • Set A4117: F16A Interior set (Hasegawa)
  • Karaya SP
    • Set KU48005: F16A/B/C/D Fighting Falcon Pylon Set (11 pieces)
  • Aires
    • Set 4411: F16A Mlu Falcon cockpit set (Hasegawa)
    • Set 4470: F16A MLu Falcon Cockpit set (Kinetic)
    • Set 4133: F16A/B exhaust Nozzle (Hasegawa)
  • Eduard
    • Set E49-481 / FE481: Detailset F16AM Self Adhesive (Kinetic)
    • Set big4853: Detailset F16A Plus Fighting Falcon (Hasegawa)
    • Set E49-276 / Fe276: Detailset F16A Fighting Falcon plus interior (Hasegawa)
    • Set E48-530: Detailset F16A Fighting Falcon plus exterior (Hasegawa)
    • Set E48-436: Detailset F16A Fighting Falcon F.O.D. (Hasegawa)
    • Set e648-006: F16A/B wheels (Tamiya)
    • Set XF031: Express Mask G/D F16A/C Fighting Falcom (Academy
  • Two Mike resin Acc.
    • Set 48004: F16A/B Block 1, 5 and 10 Horizontal Stabilisers (Hasegawa)
  • Avionix
    • Set 48005: F16A MLU Cockpit set (Hasegawa)
  • Cutting Edge
    • Set C48482: F16A parapack Tail for any F16A Kit
  • Plus model
    • Set AL4041: Ladder F16A/C Fighting Falcon
  • Quickboost
    • Set 48002: F16A/C Ejection seat with safety belts


  • Syhart Decal
    • Set 48-905: F16A/B Falcon, standard stencils data Belgian Air Force and others
    • Set 48-055: F16AM Falcon (J-015 «Solo display 2009 » KLU)
    • Set 48-019: J055 KLu solo display 2005-2006)
  • Daco Products
    • Set 4818: MLU Fighting Falcon (KLu 323sq Diana part 1)
    • Set 4819: F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon (KLu 323sq Diana part 2)
    • Set 4820: F-16B MLU Fighting Falcon RNlAF Test Aircraft J-066 "Orange Jumper"
    • Set 4822: F-16A MLU Fighting Falcon Reinformcement plates
  • DXM Decals
  • Eagle Strike
    • Set 48260: F16 Fighting Falcon (KLu, Belg AF)
  • Zotz Decals
    • Set 48-022: F16A (KLu 313 50th Anniversary)
  • Superscale
    • Set 48-227: F16A & B Falcons (Israeli Mig Killer, KLu 306sq .311sq 40jr)
  • Dutch Decal
    • Set 48011: F16A (50 jaar 322Sq), AT6 Harvard
  • Almark:
    • Set A48-08: F16A (75 jaar KLu)


SchemeColour nameFS numberBS numberHumbrolXtracolourVallejo ModelColorVallejo ModelAirHataka
Standard #1Upperside dark grey ~6118   125 X130 70.836 71.053 ~031
Grey ~6270   126 X133 70.870 71.275 ~054
Underside Light grey ~6375   127 X136 70.990 71.046 ~037

Check www.paint4models.com for an extensive conversion table with lots of colour and paint systems.

Below you can find drawings of the several versions of the F-16 used by the RNlAF.

Of the F-16 many paint schemes are known, one can think of the display aircraft, click here for some examples and the anniversary paint schemes, click here for several examples.

General Dynamics F-16A Block 1
Shortly after delivery with black nose and wrong sized roundels.
General Dynamics F-16A Block 5, Virtually identical to the previous version, main difference is the grey nose which replaced the clearly visible black nose.
General Dynamics F-16A Block 10
General Dynamics F-16A Block 10, Main (external) difference is the changed UHF antenna under the air intake.
General Dynamics F-16A Block 10
General Dynamics F-16A Block 10.
Difference with the previous version is the drag chute housing, applied by the end the eighties (This chute was also applied from start of the production of the Norwegian aircraft.).
GeneralDynamics F16A Block10 Arizona National Guard
General Dynamics F-16A Block 10, RNlAF detachment Arizona ANG.
General Dynamics F-16A Block 15

General Dynamics F-16A Block 15.
Main difference with previous blocks is the UHF-antenna which was moved from the underside of the air intake to a position below left between both ventral fins.
Further two small rectangular antennas are visible under the nose, some what changed panels on the fuselage, a small antenna on the front of the tail, several internal structural strengtheners of fuselage and wings.

General Dynamics F-16A Block 15

General Dynamics F-16A Block 15.
Difference with the previous version is the drag chute housing, applied by the end the eighties (This chute was also applied from start of the production of the Norwegian aircraft.).
The decision to implement this device was taken when several Block 15 aircraft were already delivered. The chute was applied on all aircraft already operation.

General Dynamics F-16AM

General Dynamics F-16AM.
Difference with the previous versions are the four AIFF antennas on the nose, the new LAU-129 launchers (for the AIM-9L/AIM-120B). Further there are many internal changes.
The aircraft shown here is a former Block 10 aircraft, which can be recognized by both antennas under the air intake.

General Dynamics F-16AM

General Dynamics F-16AM.
Difference with the previous versions are the four AIFF antennas on the nose, the new LAU-129 launchers (for the AIM-9L/AIM-120B). Further there are many internal changes.
The aircraft shown here is a former Block 15 aircraft.

General Dynamics F-16BM

General Dynamics F-16BM.
Difference with the previous versions are the four AIFF antennas on the nose, the new LAU-129 launchers (for the AIM-9L/AIM-120B). Further there are many internal changes.
Both aircraft shown here is a former Block 15 aircraft.



Camouflage en Kentekens J.Greuter e.a.   1997 Bonneville – Bergen (NH)
Nederlandse Militaire Luchtvaart in Beeld. deel 2 Hugo Hooftman Pag. 148 - 153 1977 Uitgever: Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel
Aerodata International no 16: General Dynaics F-16 Fighting Falcon Philip J.R. Moyes Pag. 1981 Uitgever: Vintage Aviation Publications Ltd., Oxford
AVIA: 40ejaargang nummer 12: Na het verlies van vier F-16's: KLu: Geen gebrek aan ervaring Harry Kuiper Pag. 516 - 517 1981 Uitgevers Wyt, Rotterdam
Fokker,-vliegtuigen voor de Militaire Luchtvaart   Pag. 28 1982 Uitgever: ,
Squadrons van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht Willem Helfferich Pag. 76 1983 Uitgever: Unieboek b.v., Houten
Luchtvaartwereld; 1e jaargang nummer 0: De veelzijdige F-16 Kamphuis, G.J. & Altink, Peter Pag. 1983 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Koninklijke Luchtmacht 70 C. van der Velden & E. Ragas Pag. 18 - 21 1983 Uitgever: AMBooks, Bromley, Kent
Modelbouw in Plastic jaargang 12, nummer 3: The Fighting Falcon; Verlichting F-16. W. Suiskens Pag. 87 - 94 1983 Uitgever: I.P.M.S. Nederland, Nederland
Luchtvaartwereld; 1e jaargang nummer 4: Nieuwe sleepdoelen voor de F-16 Mat Herben Pag. 114 1984 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaartwereld; 1e jaargang nummer 10: Koninklijke Luchtmacht deed mee aan oefening M.F. Zijlstra Pag. 299 - 300 1984 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Nederlandse vliegtuigen naar buitenlands ontwerp Theo Wesselink & Thijs Postma Pag. 109 - 121 1984 Uitgever: Romen Luchtvaart, Haarlem
Modelbouw in Plastic jaargang 15, nummer 4: F16 ECM-pod Joop Dionet Pag. 98 - 99 1986 Uitgever: I.P.M.S. Nederland, Nederland
Modelbouw in Plastic jaargang 15, nummer 2: J-629; Een fotoverkennings F-16 Bart Hooyman Pag. 44 - 45 1986 Uitgever: I.P.M.S. Nederland, Nederland
Uchtvaartwereld; 3ejaargang nummer 9: Demonstratieteams van de Klu Hans Heerkens Pag. 247 - 250 1986 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
KLu Vliegtuigen: De vliegtuigen van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht vanaf 1913 Wim Schoenmaker & Thijs Postma Pag. 148 1987 Uitgeverij De Alk, Alkmaar
DemoTeams van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht Antoon Louwers Pag. 77 - 80 1988 Uitgeverij De Alk, Alkmaar
Modelbouw in Plasti cjaargang 17, nummer 1: ACES II schietstoel Joop Dionet Pag. 7 - 9 1988 Uitgever: I.P.M.S. Nederland, Nederland
Luchtvaartwereld; 5e jaargang nummer 6: De visitekaartjes van de Luchtmacht. Herman Sixma & Theo van Geffen Pag. 172 - 177 1988 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaartwereld; 5e jaargang nummer 12: F-16: Een onverbeterlijke oudere jongere Hans Heerkens Pag. 346 - 350 1988 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
F-16 Fighting Falcon: Vliegend in Nederland, deel 5 J. Janssen Lok Pag. 1989 Uitgever: Flash Aviation, Eindhoven
Luchtvaartwereld; 7e jaargang nummer 10: NDTA. KLu's kolonie in Tucson, Arizona Herman Sixma & Theo van Geffen Pag. 285 - 288 1990 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaartwereld; 8e jaargang nummer 5: Foto demonstratie 1991; J-231 van Vlb. Leeuwarden   Pag. 136 1991 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaartwereld; 8e jaargang nummer 6: Nachtvogel boven de polder Hans Heerkens Pag. 184 - 185 1991 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Uchtvaartwereld; 8e jaargang nummer 7/8: Foto van twee jubileum F-16's van 311 sq   Pag. 233 - 1991 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaartwereld; 8e jaargang nummer 11: Foto van F-16A J-004 in Tiger-meet-uitmonstering   Pag. 329 - 1991 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Modelbouw in Plastic jaargang 21, nummer 1: KLu Bulletin: Fred Bachofner Pag. 10 - 16 1992 Uitgever: I.P.M.S. Nederland, Nederland
Modelbouw in Plastic jaargang 22, nummer 2: General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon Fred Bachofner Pag. 30 - 45 1992 Uitgever: I.P.M.S. Nederland, Nederland
Luchtvaartwereld; 9e jaargang nummer 6: NDTA en de Air National Guard van Arizona Herman Sixma & Theo van Geffen Pag. 181 - 184 1992 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaartwereld; 9e jaargang nummer 12: Foto van twee F-16A's in jubileum-kleuren   Pag. 355 - 1992 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaart; 10e jaargang nummer 7/8: Foto van F-16A J-624 in demonstratiekleuren van 1993   Pag. 253 - 1993 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaart; 10e jaargang nummer 11: F-16: Goedkoop is goed genoeg. Hans Heerkens Pag. 403 - 408 1993 Uitgeverij Helmond, Helmond
Luchtvaart; 11e jaargang nummer 9: Foto van de drie demonstratieteams van de KLu 1994   Pag. 305 - 1994 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaart; 11e jaargang nummer 4: Foto van F-16A J-136: Afscheid van 316 squadron   Pag. 165 1994 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaart; 11e jaargang nummer 10: Foto van demonstratie F-16A 1994   Pag. 259 1994 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaart; 11e jaargang nummer 1: 323 TACTESS Herman Sixma & Theo Wesselink Pag. 26 - 30 1994 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Squadrons van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht (derde herzien druk) Willem Helfferich Pag. 46 - 53 1994 Uitgevers Wyt, Rotterdam
Luchtvaart; 12e jaargang nummer 11: Foto van F-16A J-508 in demonstratiekleuren van seizoen 1995   Pag. 10 1995 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaart; 12e jaargang nummer 2: Foto van demonstratie F-16A J-253 (uitvoering seizoen 1994)   Pag. 12 - 1995 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaart; 12e jaargang nummer 11: Foto van F-16A J-013 op Goose Bay voorzien van Ajax-embleem   Pag. 9 - 1995 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Luchtvaart; 12e jaargang nummer 7/8: Foto van twee demonstratie-F-16A' (J-003 en J-0XX) 1995   Pag. 9 - 1995 Uitgeverij Ten Brink, Meppel
Onze Luchtmacht; jaargang 51, nummer 5: Foto van F-16A J-265   Pag. 1999 Uitgever: Koninklijke Vereniging 'Onze Luchtmacht', 's Gravenhage
Luchtvaartwereld; jaargang 2, nummer 1: Plakwerk C.J. van Gent, Pag. 18 2000 Uitgever: Geromy, Maarssen

