
The Van Berkel WA was a successful Dutch development of HansaBrandenburg W.12, of which an example was interned in April 1918.
Besides Trompenburg, there was no other aircraft manufacturer in the Netherlands at that time. The Navy requested, however to "Society for the manufacture of cutting machines, Van Berkel patents and other tools', or, in a shorter way, just 'Van Berkel", to start the production of aircraft and aircraft engines.
'Van Berkel" had thus far been successfully produced several military orders. In October 918, a contract for the construction of 35 aircraft was received, initially as a license of the W.12.
However, several necessary adjustments to the original design were implemented, including the undercarriage was enlarged. In fact another design was developed, which was known as Van Berkel WA.
Another difference compared to the Hansa Brandenburg W.12 that the ailerons in the wings were omitted.

The tubular steel construction of the undercarriage was covered with wood for streamline purposes.
The coolers of the NEI machines were also larger than those of the Netherlands-based machines. Sometimes, the coolers were tilted back.
The first VanBerkel WA was completed in July 1919 and exhibited at the ELTA, (First Air Traffic Exhibition Amsterdam).
With this prototype, such extensive tests were done, that it didn't survive these tests.

Technical information
Length: 9,47 m Wingspan: 11,25 m
Height: 3,23 m Wing area: 35,30 m2
Empty weight: 997 kg Max. start weight: 1314 kg
Max. speed: 150 km/ Rate of climb:  
Range:   Service ceiling:  
Engine type: One Mercedes D-III rated 160 hp
Crew: Two
Armament: .
The aircraft was in many ways a copy of the HansaBransenburg W.12 with some modifications, such as larger struts for the floats.